News — Pre-order
2023 Subscription Club Registration OPEN NOW
Posted by Adam Bartlett on
Registration is now open for the 2023 Vinyl Subscription Club.
We weren't planning on running another Sub Club again. Manufacturing delays in the US have made the last couple years really difficult, but we've been powering through and it seems like turnaround time will stabilize this year for manufacturing. We've moved the majority of our pressing orders back to Europe and the results already seem to be making a huge difference. This made us feel a lot better about launching a sub club for this coming year, especially when we looked at the list of releases in the queue. So here we go!
Heretical Sect - Rapturous Flesh Consumed LP, pre-order and first single streaming now
Posted by Adam Bartlett on

Pre-order now:
The end of 2020 brings a new beginning for blackened death-doom collective Heretical Sect. Founded in the American Southwest in 2018 the group released their debut EP in early 2019 and now join with Gilead Media for their powerful debut full-length, Rapturous Flesh Consumed.
Couch Slut "Take A Chance On Rock n Roll" CD / LP pre-orders. Streaming now everywhere.
Posted by Adam Bartlett on

The new album from Brooklyn noise-rock group Couch Slut has finally arrived. "Take A Chance on Rock n Roll" is the band's first full-length since 2017's "Contempt" and was initially released on May 1st, 2020 as an unannounced surprise on Bandcamp's no-fee day. Gilead Media is pleased to once again work with one of America’s most sonically vicious bands to bring this new work to the world.
Krallice / Geryon "Wolf / Astomatous" split LP available now
Posted by Adam Bartlett on
In late 2018 and early 2019 both Krallice and Geryon released their own independent EPs digitally via bandcamp and streaming platforms. This split combines those releases together on a physical format for the first time
Wailin Storms - Rattle CD / LP available to pre-order now
Posted by Adam Bartlett on
Like a summer hurricane, Durham, North Carolina foursome, WAILIN STORMS deliver their shape shifting new full length, Rattle, on May 15th via Gilead Media (North America) and in Europe via Antena Krzyku. Drenched in rapid, vigorous, and genre-bending rock, WAILIN STORMS passionately divulges stories of folklore, mysticism, inner torment, love, death, and tantrums of overwhelming anxieties within the eight tracks of Rattle. “Rattle is about feeling hopeless in a world that is very broken to me”, comments guitarist and vocalist Justin Storms. Bracing the elements head-on and wearing influences of grunge, doom, punk, rock, and blues on their sleeves, WAILIN STORMS create a unique perfect storm of unhinged sophistication and moody textures laced within each seductively psychedelic, country-twanged vignette.
Pre-order now: Yellow Eyes - Rare Field Ceiling CD/LP
Posted by Adam Bartlett on
Rare Field Ceiling is the coldest Yellow Eyes record to date, and it is the warmest. It is the most inviting, the most alienating, the murkiest and the sharpest, always falling apart and yet held together by a dawning sense that within the thicket is a vision of majestic clarity.
But as Rare Field Ceiling climbs and climbs, majesty becomes delusion and clarity becomes mania. Yellow Eyes have always held failure up to the light and found patterns in the glow, but here they trace a doomed arc and, with unnerving focus, follow it to the very end.
Pre-order now: False - Portent CD/LP
Posted by Adam Bartlett on
False return with the most pivotal record of their career, "Portent". A redefining of the extreme underground, "Portent" sees the band harness their shared experiences of pain and loss, and use that energy to create a truly monumental album for American Black Metal that is expansive, wholly engrossing, daring, and above all, honest and genuine. 4 tracks span the width and scope of the band's approach to the genre. The defining trait of the band reveals itself from the onset; the urgency in "Portent" is palpable.
Posted by Adam Bartlett on
Next in a series of exceptional new releases we have for this summer is the first album from Carl Skildum's INEXORUM project.
"Lore of the Lakes" is a 5-track LP that is heavy on melody and mid-90s Scandinavian metal vibe.
Posted by Adam Bartlett on
We've been getting a few emails inquiring about status on these ones, so here are the details right now: Thou - Tyrant and Summit deluxe repressesAll of the jackets, booklets, posters are all finished up and at the plant. Waiting on vinyl pressing. Should be wrapped up over the next couple weeks and on the way here. Mizmor - Yodh CDWe had an issue we had to iron out with the printer of the deluxe CD jackets, got it taken care of, finishing up over the next 3 weeks or so and on the way here. Everyone that ordered one...