GLM010: Hewhocorrupts - Microeconomics 7-inch
Released: May 2008
Pressing: 396 Gold, 90 Clear, 4 Green, 10 Black
Status: Out of print
This record was a long time coming, and took a lot of discussion and brainstorming before it was finally released. I had originally done some extensive design work for the CD version of Microeconomics, and at that time I inquired with HWC vocalist Ryan Durkin about the possibility of releasing the 7". He informed me that Level Plane had also expressed interest (being one of the labels that helped release the CD) so if I wanted to release it I would have to co-release it with him. Greg Drudy (Level Plane) and I spoke about this a bunch, and when it came down to it his interest waned. I talked to Durkin and got the all-clear to go ahead and release this myself. I originally ran this through Pirates Press, but I was unhappy with the test pressings. I got real crabby and decided to scrap the project. A few months later I got the bug up my ass to try and pull this off again. I was going to send it to United to be pressed but ultimately went with Musicol. The vinyl turned out really nice, but according to Pat Mathis (Hyperrealist/dude who printed the b-side of all the records) each record hole had a little vinyl residue on it from being hole punched. This basically means he and his printing partner had to use an exacto to cut them all clean before they could be screen printed. Well, Pat's work paid off and these ended up looking fantastic. This is also the layout I've done that I'm the most proud of throughout the entire Gilead catalog. It took collecting a lot of components in order to make this happen. I had the lady at the post office stamp a large number of their red package stamps on some white paper, which I scanned in and rendered for this purpose. I also had to scan in a weathered record sleeve. I believe I used a blank white dust sleeve from a Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody" 7" for the texture. At this point graphic designer Paul Jeffrey gave me some valuable guidance on how to apply the texture to the rest of the design components. Everything turned out to be much more beautiful than I had even imagined. Thanks to all the people who helped me make this a great release.