GLM009: Minsk - The Ritual Fires Of Abandonment gatefold 2LP
Released: April 2007
Pressing: 700 Black, 300 Orange/Red solar flare
Status: Out of print
I really can't remember why exactly Relapse reached out to me to offer me the rights to press this on vinyl, but I do remember being unsure as to whether or not I could really do well with this album. It was a lot different from anything else I'd released at that point, and they were really quite different from most any other band I'd heard before. I enjoyed them immensely, I just wasn't sure if I could do well with it as a release. Turns out I really had nothing to worry about. The artwork was adapted for vinyl by Orion Landau, the original artist for the CD version, and I was very happy with how everything turned out. There were only two minor things, and neither of which could really be helped by the artist. First, my logo at the time just didn't work with the record layout. Second, the metallic gold spot color print on this didn't pop very well due to the finish on the jacket. Oh well, I do love how the color vinyl looked. When the vinyl was complete I drove these down to Chicago to deliver them to Sanford Parker at his studio, and Indian was recording their new album at the time. A cool experience to meet him there and see the space.