GLM008: The Paper Chase - Cntrl Alt Delete U gatefold CDEP


Released: April 2007

Pressing: 1000 CDs

Status: Available

The Paper Chase was always a band I very much enjoyed for a variety of reasons, and when it comes down to it they definitely fit my original idea for the label, Innovative Sound Exploration and Development. They're a band that's released a multitude of records, and people either love them or hate them... no one is mediocre on The Paper Chase. When executing the layout on this I was pleased to finally feature the new cover photo that was sort of buried on the original release.

My pal Seth suggested I checked into reissuing this while we were in the car on the way to Madison to see mewithoutYou. Despite the fact that the band was not terribly active after we re-issued this EP, it was still another opportunity to work with a band I've always truly loved. And meet the members on a basis of more than just as a fan, but as someone working on a project with them. Very cool for the music nerd in me.