
Pre-order now: Yellow Eyes - Rare Field Ceiling CD/LP

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

Rare Field Ceiling is the coldest Yellow Eyes record to date, and it is the warmest. It is the most inviting, the most alienating, the murkiest and the sharpest, always falling apart and yet held together by a dawning sense that within the thicket is a vision of majestic clarity.

But as Rare Field Ceiling climbs and climbs, majesty becomes delusion and clarity becomes mania. Yellow Eyes have always held failure up to the light and found patterns in the glow, but here they trace a doomed arc and, with unnerving focus, follow it to the very end.

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Pre-order now: False - Portent CD/LP

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

False return with the most pivotal record of their career, "Portent". A redefining of the extreme underground, "Portent" sees the band harness their shared experiences of pain and loss, and use that energy to create a truly monumental album for American Black Metal that is expansive, wholly engrossing, daring, and above all, honest and genuine. 4 tracks span the width and scope of the band's approach to the genre. The defining trait of the band reveals itself from the onset; the urgency in "Portent" is palpable.

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Pre-order now: Falls of Rauros - Patterns in Mythology CD/LP

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

The 5th full-length from Falls of Rauros, titled "Patterns in Mythology," is both an expansion upon what was explored on "Vigilance Perennial" and a detour towards another direction entirely. Engineered, mixed, and mastered by Colin Marston at Menegroth, this record became both the heaviest and the most intricately detailed in the band's career without forsaking the foundations the band is built upon; black metal operating in tandem with a melody more often heard in the folk and rock spheres.

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portrayal of guilt April tour dates

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

portrayal of guilt are hitting the road again in April, some shows with pg.99 and Majority Rule. Get at it...

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Label Status Update (And status of Thou 2CD/2LP and Krallice 2LPs)

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

Hello all. My apologies for the radio silence & delays over here at the label.
As many of you know, we were working on moving the record shop I own. But that went pretty smoothly and didn't really create too much of a problem / delay in anything.

What I haven't yet gone into too much detail about is that for the last 4 months I've been thrown into a caregiving role for my father as he had weekly emergency hospital visits and a couple near-death emergencies. Requiring me to dedicate daily time to take care of his needs and provide some level of care for him.
As he seems to be approaching an end of life situation, we have moved him into a nursing home for 24-hour attention and now wait to see what the next steps will be. Things have been settling down amd I've had help from my Brother and partner with caregiving stuff, alongside some shop help handling label-related duties. So going forward everything should be going much smoother around here. Unfortunately a couple of these releases here got stuck in the middle of some bad times.

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portrayal of guilt live Audiotree set

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

Our pals in portrayal of guilt recently recorded an Audiotree live performance, watch it here:

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Imperial Triumphant EU tour dates

Posted by Adam Bartlett on


Imperial Triumphant will finally perform in EU and Russia this spring around their Roadburn appearance. All shows with Mord'a'stigmata. 

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Yellow Eyes interview at Metal Injection

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

An extensive and Insightful interview with Sam & Will of Yellow Eyes has been posted now over at Metal Injection. Good readin..

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Krallice - Wolf digital EP available now + Rolling Stone writeup

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

Although not a GLM release, we must of course help spread the word when Krallice release any new material.

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portrayal of guilt Spring 2019 tour

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

The dudes are hitting the road again for February dates. Stay tuned for TBA confirmations.

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