We recently received about 1400 units back from our retail distributor and there was a ton of stuff in there we've been sold out on. Back in stock now and ready to go:
Barghest - Untitled LP
Barghest - The Virtuous Purge LP
Bastard Sapling - Instinct is Forever CD
Bastard Sapling - Instinct is Forever 2LP
False - Portent LP - black vinyl
Generation of Vipers - Coffin Wisdom LP
Geryon - Self-titled 12-inch
Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury 2LP - clear/metallic gold vinyl
Implodes - Reverser 12-inch - gold vinyl
Implodes - Reverser 12-inch - purple vinyl
Kowloon Walled City - Gambling on the Richter Scale LP
Krallice w/Dave Edwardson - Loum LP
Lake of Violet - The Startling Testimony of Plumb Lines LP - clear vinyl
Lake of Violet - The Startling Testimony of Plumb Lines LP - purple vinyl
Less Art - Strangled Light LP - gold vinyl
Mizmor - Yodh CD
Portrayal of Guilt - Let Pain Be Your Guide CD
Portrayal of Guilt - Let Pain Be Your Guide LP - black vinyl
Portrayal of Guilt - Let Pain Be Your Guide LP - orange/red vinyl
Thou - Ceremonies of Humiliation 3LP
Thou - Ceremonies of Repetition 2LP
Thou - Tyrant 2LP re-master
Yellow Eyes - Immersion Trench Reverie LP - milky white/clear vinyl
Yellow Eyes - Hammer of Night LP