Mizmor & Hell - Alluvion CD/LP/TAPE/MERCH pre-order OPEN NOW

Posted by Adam Bartlett on

OUT 4/4/2025

LP: https://gileadmedia.net/products/mizmor-hell-alluvion-lp
CD: https://gileadmedia.net/products/mizmor-hell-alluvion-cd
SHIRT: https://gileadmedia.net/products/mizmor-hell-alluvion-shirt

UK/EU CUSTOMERS CAN PRE-ORDER THE CD & LP FROM EVIL GREED (https://evilgreed.net/de/collections/mizmor)

( mizmor.bigcartel.com/product/mizmor-hell-alluvion-cs)

AMPWALL: https://ampwall.com/a/mizmorandhell/album/alluvion
BANDCAMP: https://gileadmedia.bandcamp.com/album/alluvion

Today I am stoked to reveal details and a single for the new collaborative album from MIZMOR and HELL, Alluvion, and I’m so glad I get to work with ALN and MSW on one more new record. CD, LP, and shirt are available to preorder from Gilead Media now (and Evil Greed in the EU) while the cassette is available direct from Mizmor. The album is out 4/4/25.

The stories of Mizmor and Hell are, for all intents and purposes, inextricably intertwined. For twenty years A.L.N. (Mizmor) and M.S.W. (Hell) have been orbiting the same fertile creative circles in the Pacific Northwest. They’ve done stints as live/touring members for each other’s solo endeavors and they’ve contributed their distinctive voices to each other’s recordings. A.L.N. and M.S.W. even aligned their cathartic outlets for a now impossible to find Mizmor/Hell split, unleashed upon the world in 2014. A collaboration record like Alluvion feels as if it was always predestined.

The blueprint for Alluvion had been drafted long ago and it wallowed in obscurity, its memory swirling in the ether, patiently waiting for a rogue spark to manifest its existence. And, as luck would have it, when A.L.N. and M.S.W. once again found themselves in the midst of each other’s boundless creative universes, they were now prepared to undertake the monumental task.

A.L.N. and M.S.W. intend for the compositions on Alluvion to be used as a map to help navigate the listener through bouts of psychic distress, touching upon emotions both terribly familiar and wholly extrinsic. Pensive, tranquil movements combust into passages of absolutely soul-searing sludge. Suffocating, blackened doom bursts out of unknown crevasses; punctuated by the unsettling voices of beings doing their damnedest to claw their way out of canyons carved by mental anguish. It’s a harrowing journey, but one that seeks to provide a necessary catharsis. Alluvion is meant to act as a lens into the mind’s seemingly mystifying geography; a vessel for the self-exploration of the complex terrains of the human psyche.

Album artwork by Kjetil Karlsen
Band photo by Emma Ruth Rundle
Mixed by Sonny DiPierri
Mastered by Adam Gonsalves

Many thanks to ALN and MSW.